
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Electric Toy Boat Made Of Household Items

Ebook is available for purchase in the Amazon Kindle Store in some countries, with title as below:
"How To Make Science Toys Ship & Submarine: Made Of Household Materials, Battery Powered"

This electric model boat is made of used polystyrene and plastic sheet. The motor is a small dc motor powered with 9 volt battery. Boat propeller is made of a metal plate of beverage can. Propeller shaft is made of plastic straw. To prevent water leaks into boat, the propeller shaft is covered with stuffing box. That stuffing box is made of plastic straw.

Average speed at first lane right after start is 40.8 centimeter per second (1.5 kmh = 0.9 mph). With better battery and high performance dc motor, this boat is potential to reach higher top speed.

So don't waste polystyrene, plastic straw, and beverage can. You can made a beautiful and fast boat with those used household items.

Bukunya tersedia di google play dan google books:

Model perahu listrik ini terbuat dari polystyrene (gabus) dan lembaran plastik. Motor dc kecil di suplai dayanya oleh baterai 9 volt. Baling-baling kapal terbuat dari pelat bekas kaleng minuman. Poros baling-baling terbuat dari sedotan plastik. Untuk mencegah kebocoran air ke dalam perahu, poros baling-baling ditutupi dengan selubung (stuffing box). Stuffing box terbuat dari sedotan plastik.

Rata-rata kecepatan di jalur pertama segera setelah start adalah 40,8 centimeter per detik (1,5 kmh = 0,9 mph). Dengan baterai yang lebih bagus dan dengan motor dc berkinerja tinggi, kapal ini potensial untuk mencapai kecepatan maximum yang lebih tinggi.

Jadi jangan buang polystyrene, sedotan plastik, dan kaleng bekas minuman. Anda dapat membuat perahu yang indah dan kencang dengan sisa barang-barang rumah tangga tersebut.

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