
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Depok Antasari (Desari) Toll Section Brigif Cilandak

The following video when driving from Brigif to Cilandak, then to Antasari road towards Blok M. The vehicle speed in the video is faster about 1.5 times of the actual speed. From Brigif direction, the operational gate is only Cilandak gate. Later there will be a gate towards Pondok Labu or Andara.

The Depok Antasari toll road (Desari) is already operational since it was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on Thursday September 27, 2018, for section IA, the Antasari-Brigif section with a length of 5.8 km at toll gate Cilandak Utama, South Jakarta. The project Depok-Antasari toll road with a total of 21.6 kilometers is planned to be connected with the Bogor Ring Road toll road to Ciawi, with the addition of 6.5 kilometers of Bojonggede-Salabenda. So that it is expected to reduce the density on the Jagorawi toll road (Jakarta Bogor Ciawi).

The following video is showing a test drive from Antasari road and enter via Cilandak toll gate, then exit at Brigif. When the video was recorded, this toll road only reached Brigif. From the direction of Cilandak, the exit to Pondok Labu, Andara and Ciganjur is already operating. This exit is close to Green Andara Residence real estate.

KMToll GatesAdjacent ToDestination
0Antasari InterchangePangeran Antasari roadCipete, Blok M (north)
Jakarta Outer Ring RoadFatmawati, Pondok Indah, Jakarta-Serpong (west) toll
TB Simatupang roadMampang Prapatan, Pasar Minggu, Jagorawi (east) toll
1Cilandak UtamaMain toll gate Desari
3AndaraAndara roadAndara, Pondok Labu, Ciganjur
5BrigifBrigif roadCiganjur, Gandul, Cinere
8Krukut InterchangeCinere-Jagorawi tollCinere, Pamulang, Serpong-Cinere (west) toll
Kukusan, Margonda, Cisalak, Cimanggis-Cibitung (east) toll
13SawanganSawangan roadSawangan, Mampang, Parung
21BojonggedeTegar Beriman II roadBojonggede, Tajur Halang, Cibinong

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